Configuring dynamic DNS for namecheap using DDClient on fedora

I was recently trying to configure a dynamic DNS to host a server at home, but wanted it to be reliable and simple.

I found that namecheap provide multiple ways to configure a dynamic DNS, and even include a small executable that you can install to do this automatically. The thing is my server is running Fedora, not Windows. After searching on the namecheap website I found this article that explains how to setup dynamic DNS using DDClient.

Note : This tutorial is targeted at Fedora 31 , but should be compatible newer versions.

1. First install DDClient :

sudo dnf install ddclient

2. After DDClient is installed, we now need to generate a one time password on the namecheap website. In the domain list, navigate to manage -> Advanced Dns and toggle the dynamic dns option. This will generate a random password that will be used with DDClient.

You can then specify an A+Dynamic DNS Record (instead of the classic A Record)
The dynamic dns + A record

After edit /etc/ddclient.conf to add :

login=<your domain name without the www>
password=<password generated>

Replace subdomain with the the one specified in the Host value of your A+Dynamic DNS Record.

You can test the config file by running the following command. You should see at the end of the logfile SUCCESS: <subdomain you specified>

sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet

3. Finally we’ll create a systemd service to make sure our program keep running. Create a file in /etc/systemd/system/ddclient.service that contains the following content:

Description=ddclient Service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ddclient -pid /var/run/ -file /etc/ddclient.conf -daemon 300
ExecStop=/usr/bin/pkill -SIGKILL -P /var/run/

We now need to register this service by running sudo systemctl enable ddclient.service. And finally we run the new service with sudo systemctl start ddclient.service

The value of the A+Dynamic DNS Record in the namecheap interface should now be updated with your current IP address!